Bedford & Kempston MP is targeted in evil Muslim hate campaign

Mo YasinMo Yasin
Mo Yasin
Police are investigating an Islamophobic letter containing a suspicious liquid sent to Bedford MP Mohammad Yasin .

Two of the MP’s staff members was taken to hospital after they opened the missive, which advertised a ‘Punish a Muslim Day’ next month.

Mr Yasin, who is Muslim, was the first of three MPs to receive the hate mail addressed to their Parliamentary offices.

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The letters, which are circulating across the entire country, state a list of violent actions - along with the points gained for performing them.

The actions include pulling off a woman’s hijab, physical assault, the use of acid as a weapon, and even burning a mosque or murder.

Mr Yasin’s letter arrived on Monday, the same day Labour MP Yasmin Qureshi spoke in the House of Commons about the “abhorrent” Punish a Muslim Day campaign.

She said: “There has been a sharp rise in the Far right movement in Europe and beyond. This is a really urgent situation and it needs to be urgently tackled.”

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As soon as Mr Yasin’s letter was opened, three police officers and five paramedics rushed to his office.

Mr Yasin told the T&C: ‘An offensive letter was sent to my office in Westminster. I believe that several people across the country have received the same letter.

“In this case there was a suspicious liquid substance on the paper, and so in accordance with security procedures, my staff reported the incident immediately and the area was sealed while an investigation took place. “

Mr Yasin said employees were fine and the substance was tested and found to be a “mild irritant. “

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He added: “The sending of these letters was an abhorrent act and victims of any such attack should always speak to the police straight away .”

Meanwhile constituents have posted sympathy on Facebook, with one saying: “What disgusting behaviour... Keep representing your constituency - you’re doing a good job.”

By Tuesday three other MPs had received similar packages.

The chairman of the Race All Party Parliamentary Group, David Lammy MP, said: “I am absolutely appalled and horrified to hear reports that a number of my Labour colleagues are receiving ‘Punish a Muslim’ letters, hate mail and suspicious packages.”