Mini first aid training could help save young lives

Danielle JarminDanielle Jarmin
Danielle Jarmin
Mini First Aid has arrived in Bedfordshire, thanks to mum Danielle Jarmin.

The former account manager and mum of a two-year-old son is now running the business which is aimed at teaching parents and carers how to save babies and toddlers’ lives.

The launch comes as Mini First Aid publish ‘The Mini Adventures of Freddie’, the first book of its kind in the UK, to make learning first aid fun for young children.

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A course is being held on Thursday, January 19, from 7pm until 9pm, at Lidlington Village Hall, High Street.

Danielle said: “Mini First Aid is a really impressive and well established business, providing vital information and first aid skills to parents and carers.

“I can’t wait to give parents the knowledge and confidence to know what actions to take if faced with a medical emergency.”

Danielle has plans to teach first aid to pre-school and school children as well as offering full paediatric courses and classes in the workplace, and can also offer private classes for parents to suit their needs.
