LibDem candidate for new Bedford ward says people need a 'champion' to stand up for them

Billy ThompsonBilly Thompson
Billy Thompson
He’s standing in Riverfield Ward – previously part of the town’s Newnham Ward

The Liberal Democrat candidate for the new Riverfield Ward said the area needs a “local champion” to stand up for residents.

Billy Thompson, who lives in the ward, said he “fell in love” with the Riverfield area after moving there in 2021.

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Previously part of the Newnham Ward, Riverfield is a new ward created by the Boundary Commission and will have one councillor.

“I’ve loved campaigning in Riverfield alongside the Newnham councillors Hilde Hendrickx and Jake Sampson to improve our community,” he said.

“What we need is a local champion that will continue to stand up for our area and continue the good work of Hilde and Jake.”

Billy said it has been a “real privilege” to speak to the Riverfield residents to listen to their concerns.

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But how does he convince them that he is somebody that “gets things done”?

“I have reported a number of issues to the council from potholes to broken street name signs,” he said.

“Readers of the FOCUS leaflet are aware that I have regularly gone on long walks around the whole ward and reported issues to not only Bedford Borough Council, but also Open Reach and Virgin Media.

“I have reported the broken cabinets on Barkers Lane, Addington Close and Honeysuckle Way.

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“I work in all seasons, even getting my shovel out to clear pathways for people when the snow was particularly heavy in December,” he said.

Billy added that he is particularly concerned over environmental issues that “blight” the area, such as littering.

“The amount of litter that has been generated by people rat racing through Riverfield and throwing the litter outside their car windows has saddened me as it is such a beautiful area,” he said.

“I have lost count of how many supermarket trolleys I have reported as being abandoned in our area.

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“As a new ward we can build on our community identity and sense of community,” he said.

“If I am elected, I will continue to keep in touch all year round and not just popping up at election time.

“I will hold regular advice surgeries for local residents and be a strong voice in the council chamber for Riverfield residents,” he added.

Residents can follow Billy’s campaign activities on Facebook (, and can contact him on 07402 232763 or via email, [email protected].

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“Residents can also join our fortnightly email list by going to,” he said.

“Having worked closely with Hilde and Jake and speaking to residents in the ward, I know how hardworking they have both been and how missed they will be after the election.

“I hope I can continue their legacy if I am successful in getting elected.

“Riverfield has a bright future ahead of it and I hope I can play my part in shaping it,” he said.