Pupil becomes school's acting head for a day

Faith, usually a Year 2 pupil, became Miss Faith and was in charge of  St James CE VA Lower School for a day PNL-160613-130523001Faith, usually a Year 2 pupil, became Miss Faith and was in charge of  St James CE VA Lower School for a day PNL-160613-130523001
Faith, usually a Year 2 pupil, became Miss Faith and was in charge of St James CE VA Lower School for a day PNL-160613-130523001
A Year 2 pupil became head teacher of her lower school for the day, after winning the opportunity at a PTA event.

Schoolgirl Faith became Miss Faith to lead a teacher’s briefing, carry out a school inspection, welcome parents to a class assembly and host a visit by Bedford Mayor Dave Hodgson and Colin Foster, Assistant Director for Education & Early Help at St James’ Lower School, Biddenham.

Faith also ensured pupils and staff behaved well before meeting with and preparing a report for the Governors.

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Miss Faith said: “It was a long and tiring day, but I really enjoyed my work. I met a lot of different people and had loads of ideas about how our school can get better. I think the school is doing well because I see everyone focussing brilliantly on their learning”.

She was assisted by her PA and usual school head Maria Soulsby, who said: “This was a lovely opportunity for our children to have a genuine say in the life of their school, and Miss Faith has made a number of great suggestions about how we can work together to make our school even better.”