Talented pupils from Wootton sweep up a host of prizes for art

Vanessa Nakalanzi self portraitVanessa Nakalanzi self portrait
Vanessa Nakalanzi self portrait
Talented artists and textile designers from Wootton Upper School are toasting success after collecting a host of prizes in art competitions.

The 22 students from years 9-11 entered work into The Harpur Trust’s annual art competition in which the school won all categories.

The theme for this year’s competition was ‘Where is your happy place?’ and ten pieces of work from the school were shortlisted for consideration.

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Ruby Collins, year 11, won first prize for a dress she created which represented her love of textiles and nature. Katie Cooper, also year 11, won second prize for an underwater portrait inspired by her love of swimming. Megan Clarke, year 10, won third price for her enchanting image of a book made with string and nails reflecting her love of reading, while Danielle Cutts received a highly commended award for her portrait inspired by Frida Kahlo showing her love of painting.

All prize winners were invited to a special awards night to celebrate their success and the work from all schools went on exhibition at The Higgins Bedford during the summer.

There was also success for ‘post-16’ students from Kimberley College who entered the University of Northampton Schools’ Art & Design Competition. Three students were awarded prizes - Maja Sharratt who was first in the fashion category; Vanessa Nakalanzi who was second in the fine art category and Natasha Burgess who took the Students’ Choice award.

Meanwhile, six pieces of art from more than 400 entries were selected from students at Kimberley College to be included in an exhibition at The Mall galleries in London during July as part of the National Students’ Art Exhibition 2018 with Vanessa Nakalanzi taking home the Portrait Artist of the Year award.

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The icing on the cake of a summer of success was the news that Kimberley College and Wootton Upper School has been shortlisted in the Community Art Schemes - Renewable and Smaller Projects category of the Community Rail Awards 2018.

The schools won a place in the final for their Stewartby Station Art Exhibition and were due to find out how they fared at a gala presentation in Glasgow on Thursday, October 4.

Michael Gleeson, executive principal, said: “We are all very proud of our students for their artistic achievements this year and would like to thank them for continuing to be positive ambassadors for Wootton Upper School and Kirkby College both locally and nationally.

“It’s important to all of us that we nurture the talents of our pupils and give them plenty of opportunity to flourish both in and outside of the classroom.

“I would like to congratulate all those who took part in the various exhibitions and competitions during the school year. You’ve worked hard for your success and deserve the praise and recognition.”