What type of rug is best for outdoor use? Our expert finds the best outdoors rugs in the UK

Our expert finds the best outdoors rugs in the UKOur expert finds the best outdoors rugs in the UK
Our expert finds the best outdoors rugs in the UK

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Our outdoor spaces have always been important to us, but in recent times, even more so.

Whether a deck, patio or balcony, one quick and affordable way to up the décor and comfort of that space is the addition of an outdoor rug. There are rugs to fit all shapes and sizes, and even more exciting, many of these rugs double up also to use indoors.

How do I chose an outdoor rug?

Outdoors rugs are made nearly always of polypropylene. This artificial material is water-resistant and capable of withstanding most weather conditions, and are durable yet can be processed to be soft and even mimic a short pile rug.

Unlike a wool carpet, they are stain-resistant to most spills except oil, will not go mouldy, and are fade-resistant. However, they do not like direct heat as they have a low ignition point and melt, so for safety is best kept away from outdoor fires and candles. And, if that’s not enough to please, they are affordable.

Choosing an outdoor rug is easy, what size, colour or pattern, and your budget. Cheaper rugs usually have a serged edge – made by wrapping yarn around the edge - which works very well but will make the rug lighter, and unless under a piece of furniture, can lift in windy conditions. More expensive rugs will be folded and stitched, which makes it heavier and helps the rug lay flat.

Outdoor rugs come mainly as flatwoven, which means it is – well - flat and textured, or with a short pile which is softer but if used in a heavy traffic area will flatten and, unlike wool, will not spring back.

How to care for your outdoor rug

The quickest and most effective way to clean it is with the vacuum cleaner, just as with an indoor rug.

Mop up spills as they happen if possible; otherwise, any proprietary floor cleaner or even a mild bleach solution should lift any stains.

Occasionally lift the rug and clean the floor underneath and the underside of the rug to prevent mould.

Size: 120 x 170 cm

This stylish, brightly coloured rug was one of the favourites on the test, not just for its good looks but also for underfoot; the rug is lovely and soft without looking or feeling artificial.

The rug is weighty enough to stay flat (except in a strong wind), light rain ran off quickly, and even in torrential rain, it didn’t become sodden, and once the sun came out again, it dried quickly. The long edges of the rug are glued rather than serged, the shorter folded with a lovely cotton fringe.

The Briella is a pretty rug that will suit most spaces both outdoors and in.

Size: 200 x 300 cm

This oversized rug from Ikea is the largest we tested and our favourite of the larger rugs. The size and quality of this rug for the price is astonishing. The tight flatweave is intricate, and it is hard to believe that it is made of polyurethane?

Spills and rain do show immediately in darkening the rug, which is alarming; however, as it dries as fast as it darkens, we soon got used to it. The rug is serged on the longer sides and folded at the shorter, and laid beautifully flat, and the wind struggled to move it.